Option type



class Header_Option_Type extends Papi_Option_Type {

   * The type meta options.
   * @return array
  public function meta() {
    return [
      'menu' => 'options-general.php',
      'name' => 'Header'

   * Register content meta box.
  public function register() {
    $this->box( 'Content', [
      papi_property( [
        'title' => 'Name',
        'slug'  => 'name',
        'type'  => 'string'
      ] ),
      papi_property( [
        'title' => 'Post',
        'slug'  => 'post',
        'type'  => 'post'
      ] ),
      papi_property( [
        'title' => 'Text',
        'slug'  => 'Text',
        'type'  => 'text'
      ] )
    ] );

Option type is used to create option pages with Papi. Option types will not be showed on Papi’s tool page since they don’t belong to a post type.

Differents between option type and a page/taxonomy type

  • Does not save the option type id in the database since options don’t have a post/term id. So you can’t have different option types that has the same property slug.

Meta method

The meta is a required method of the option type class. It should return an array containing the required keys.

Options Required Description
capability no The capability that are allowed to access the page. Default is manage_options
menu yes The menu to register the sub menu page on
name yes The name of the option type
show_screen_options no Show screen options tabs. Default is true, since 3.1.0
show_help_tabs no Show help tabs. Default is true, since 3.1.0

Help method


 * Example of `help` method.
 * @return array
public function help() {
  return [
    'Custom title' => 'Custom help text'

Add custom help tabs, array of key/value where the key is the title and the value is the content, since 3.1.0

Help sidebar method


 * Example of `help_sidebar` method.
 * @return string
public function help_sidebar() {
  return '<p>Hello, world</p>';

Add custom html to help sidebar, since 3.1.0

Papi does only register submenu pages, so if you want a custom admin page you have to add it yourself.



namespace Foo\Bar;

 * Example of a option type with namespace.
class Test_Option_Type extends \Papi_Option_Type {}

Papi has no problem to work with option types that have namespaces.