API Field

  • The different between option and post/term fields is that options don’t have id.

papi_delete_field / papi_delete_option / papi_delete_term_field


 * Example of `papi_delete_field` function.

$success = papi_delete_field( 456, 'twitter_url' );


With this function you can delete property value from the database. It will return false if can’t update or find the property in a entry type.


Parameter Default Required Description
$meta_id null no The meta (post or term) id will be added automatic if you are one a post, page, custom post type page or term. When deleting values from another post or term this argument will be required
$slug yes The property slug to delete value from

papi_get_field / papi_get_option / papi_get_term_field


 * Example of `papi_get_field` function.

echo papi_get_field( 'twitter_url' );

// with default value
echo papi_get_field( 'twitter_url', 'http://twitter.com/frozzare' );


When fetching values from another post this argument will be required.

You can also use the_papi_field to display it without echo


Parameter Default Required Description
$meta_id null no The meta (post or term) id will be added automatic if you are one a post, page, custom post type page or term. When deleting values from another post or term this argument will be required
$slug yes The property slug to fetch value from
$default null no When a default value is passed as argument it will use that value as return value and echo it if the property value is empty or don’t exists

papi_update_field / papi_update_option / papi_update_term_field


 * Example of `papi_update_field` function.

$success = papi_update_field( 456, 'twitter_url', 'http://twitter.com/frozzare' );


With this function you can update property value from the database. It will return false if can’t update or find the property in a entry type.


Parameter Default Required Description
$meta_id null no The meta (post or term) id will be added automatic if you are one a post, page, custom post type page or term. When deleting values from another post or term this argument will be required
$slug yes The property slug to update property value

the_papi_field / the_papi_option / the_papi_meta_field


 * Example of `the_papi_field` function.

the_papi_field( 'twitter_url' )

// with post id
the_papi_field( 1, 'twitter_url' )

// with default value
the_papi_field( 1, 'twitter_url', 'http://twitter.com/frozzare' );


This function will echo the value of a property using the property slug.

You can also use papi_field to fetch the value into a variable.


Parameter Default Required Description
$meta_id null no The meta (post or term) id will be added automatic if you are one a post, page, custom post type page or term. When deleting values from another post or term this argument will be required
$slug yes The property slug to fetch value from
$default null no When a default value is passed as argument it will use that value as return value and echo it if the property value is empty or don’t exists