

 * Example of the default options.
papi_property( [
  'after_class'  => '',
  'after_html'   => '',
  'before_class' => '',
  'before_html'  => '',
  'capabilities' => [],
  'default'      => '',
  'description'  => '',
  'disabled'     => false,
  'lang'         => false,
  'overwrite'    => false,
  'raw'          => false,
  'required'     => false,
  'rules'        => [],
  'settings'     => [],
  'sidebar'      => true,
  'slug'         => '',
  'sort_order'   => 100,
  'title'        => '',
  'type'         => 'string',
  'value'        => ''
] )

Papi has many different core properties to start with and you can easy create your own using our Yeoman generator. The are several keys that all properties have.

The property type is loaded from the type file instead of saving it in the database.

Key Default Description
after_class string Add custom css class to after div.
after_html string Output html after property html. Can be a html string or a callable function. Will be wrapped in a div with class papi-after-html and a data attribute with the property type.
after_class string Add custom css class to before div.
before_html string Output html before property html. Can be a html string or a callable function. Will be wrapped in a div with class papi-before-html and a data attribute with the property type.
capabilities array Can be a string with a role or capability or a array with many values
default empty string The default value that should be used when value is empty.
description empty string The introduction text that will appear below the title text of the property. You could write your help text here. With \n you can create new lines in the description
disabled false Disable the property, won’t show in WordPress admin
display true When using this key you can hide the property being displayed, it will have the class papi-hide.
lang false When using this key you can specify which language will show the property
overwrite false When property is used on post page you can overwrite post object properties with property value when overwrite is true.
raw false This will render the property without a table, good to use when creating a custom property that uses other
post_type empty string The post type that the property will be rendered for. Default is empty string that will be assigned the current post_type.
rules array Read more about conditional logic
required false By default all fields are non required in Papi but this can be changed with required option
sidebar true Boolean that shows the sidebar on each property. If false the sidebar won’t show
settings array Array with custom settings for the property
sort_order 1000 Numeric value, lowest value in the meta box will be at the top and the highest value at the bottom
slug empty string The slug of property. If empty or not used the title will be generated to slug value. Slugs that contains dash will be converted to underscore, for example left-text => left_text
title empty string The title of the property. Can be empty for blank title
type empty string The property type (lower case is preferred to use)
value empty string The default value that are presented in the property

Be sure to have different slug for each properties on a type, the same slug will not work great and you will lose data if you are using same slug for multiple properties.