API Page



 * Example of `papi_get_page` function.

echo papi_get_page()->twitter_url;

// with post id
echo papi_get_page( 2 )->twitter_url;


When given a post id it will fetch the Papi page for that post id instead.

The papi page function will do the same as current page function if no post id is used as a argument.


Parameter Default Required Description
$post_id null no The post id will be added automatic if you are one a post, page or custom post type page. When fetching values from another post this argument will be required



 * Example of `papi_get_page_type_id` function.

echo papi_get_page_type_id();
// "article-page-type"

// with post id
echo papi_get_page_type_id( 2 );
// "activity-page-type"


When given a post id it will fetch the Papi page for that post id instead.


Parameter Default Required Description
$post_id null no The post id will be added automatic if you are one a post, page or custom post type page. When fetching values from another post this argument will be required



 * Example of `papi_get_page_type_name` function.
echo papi_get_page_type_name();
// => "Article Page"

// with post id
echo papi_get_page_type_name( 2 );
// => "Video Page"


Get the page type name. Useful when you will print out the name of the page type in your theme.

You can also use the_papi_page_type_name to display it without echo


Parameter Default Required Description
$post_id null no The post id will be added automatic if you are one a post, page or custom post type page. When fetching values from another post this argument will be required



 * Example of `the_papi_page_type_name` function.

// => "Article Page"

// with post id
the_papi_page_type_name( 2 );
// => "Video Page"


Print the page type name. Useful when you will print out the name of the page type in your theme.

You can also use papi_page_type_name to fetch the name into a variable.


Parameter Default Required Description
$post_id null no The post id will be added automatic if you are one a post, page or custom post type page. When fetching values from another post this argument will be required