Taxonomy type



class Open_Taxonomy_Type extends Papi_Taxonomy_Type {

   * The type meta options.
   * @return array
  public function meta() {
    return [
      'name'                  => 'Open',
      'taxonomy'              => 'category',
      'redirect_after_create' => true

   * Register content meta box.
  public function register() {
    $this->box( 'Content', [
      papi_property( [
        'title' => 'Name',
        'slug'  => 'name',
        'type'  => 'string'
      ] ),
      papi_property( [
        'title' => 'Post',
        'slug'  => 'post',
        'type'  => 'post'
      ] ),
      papi_property( [
        'title' => 'Text',
        'slug'  => 'Text',
        'type'  => 'text'
      ] )
    ] );

Taxonomy type exists since 3.1.0

Meta method

The meta is a required method of the taxonomy type class. It should return an array containing the required keys.

Options Required Description
name yes The name of the taxonomy type
description no The description of the taxonomy type
fill_labels no When this is true it will add the taxonomy type name to add_new_item, edit_item and view_item label. Both in WordPress admin and the admin bar on the front. You can override this with the labels array.
labels no With this you can handle the labels object that exists on a taxonomy. So this means that you can change “Edit Category” for every taxonomy type and have something like Edit Open taxonomy. Just create a array with the labels keys and values on your taxonomy type meta array
taxonomy yes Array of taxonomies that the taxonomy type should be registered on. Default is empty string
redirect_after_create no Redirect after term is created where all Papi fields will be. Default is false
show_screen_options no Show screen options tabs. Default is true
show_help_tabs no Show help tabs. Default is true
sort_order no The sort order number of the taxonomy type
template no The template file to render. This can be both dot templates or taxonomies/open.php, extension is not required.

Body classes method


 * Example of `body_classes` method.
 * @return array
public function body_classes() {
  return ['custom-class'];

With this method you can add custom body classes to body when a taxonomy type is rendered in the WordPress admin.

Box method

This method is used to register all properties, tabs and remove meta boxes as described above.

The box method can has callable method as the second argument that returns a array with properties or tabs.

Read more about that under box section.

Display method


 * Example of `display` method.
 * @param  string $taxonomy
 * @return bool
public function display( $taxonomy ) {
  return $taxonomy === 'category';

This method is used to tell if the taxonomy type should be displayed (listed in the dropdown) or not.

The method will take a $taxonomy argument. This is useful when the taxonomy type is registered on more than one taxonomy.

Returning anything other than true will hide the taxonomy type.

Default value is true

Help method


 * Example of `help` method.
 * @return array
public function help() {
  return [
    'Custom title' => 'Custom help text'

Add custom help tabs, array of key/value where the key is the title and the value is the content

Help sidebar method


 * Example of `help_sidebar` method.
 * @return string
public function help_sidebar() {
  return '<p>Hello, world</p>';

Add custom html to help sidebar



namespace Foo\Bar;

 * Example of a taxonomy type with namespace.
class Test_Taxonomy_Type extends \Papi_Taxonomy_Type {}

Papi has no problem to work with taxonomy types that have namespaces.