Repeater property


 * Example of repeater.

papi_property( [
  'title'    => 'Repeater',
  'slug'     => 'my_repeater_slug',
  'type'     => 'repeater',
  'settings' => [
    'items' => [
      papi_property( [
        'type'  => 'string',
        'title' => 'Title',
        'slug'  => 'my_string_slug'
      ] ),
      papi_property( [
        'type'     => 'dropdown',
        'title'    => 'Color',
        'slug'     => 'my_dropdown_slug',
        'settings' => [
          'items' => [
            'White' => '#ffffff',
            'Black' => '#000000'
      ] )
] )

 * Example output.

  [0] => array
    [my_string_slug] => 'Test 1'
    [my_dropdown_slug] => '#ffffff'

  [1] => array
    [my_string_slug] => 'Test 2'
    [my_dropdown_slug] => '#000000'


The repeater property can create a repeater of sub fields which can be repeated again and again. You can have repeater inside repeater since 3.1.0, but not flexible inside repeater.

Repeater example


Key Default Description
add_new_label ‘Add new row’ Add new label text.
closed_rows false When this is true the existing rows will be closed when the page is loaded.
items array The array of properties, the same key/values as papi_property function has. You can’t use repeater or flexible inside a repeater.
layout ‘table’ Choose between table or row.
limit -1 (no limit) Prevent how many post references that can be added.



 * Example of `papi/property/repeater/exclude` filter.
add_filter( 'papi/property/repeater/exclude', function ( $exclude ) {
  return array_merge( $exclude, [
  ] );
} );
Filter Description
papi/property/repeater/exclude Prevent properties from render and working in repeater