

This is the documentation for Papi 1.x

Go to documentation for Papi 2.x

Papi has a different approach on how to work with fields and page types in WordPress. The idea is coming from how Page Type Builder in EPiServer works and has been loved by the developers.

So we though why don’t use the same approach in WordPress? Papi is today running in production and has been easy to work with when it came to add new fields. Papi don’t have any admin user interface where should add all fields, we use classes in PHP, where one class represents one page type and in your class you add all fields you need. It’s that easy!

Papi is completely open-source. You can use it however you like. If you want to help with its development you can submit your suggestions or improvements on in the Github repository.


If you’re using Composer to manage WordPress, add Papi to your project’s dependencies. Run:

composer require wp-papi/papi

Or manually add it to your composer.json:

  "require": {
    "php": ">=5.3",
    "wordpress": "~4.2",
    "wp-papi/papi": "~1.2"

Page Type Directory

Papi does require a directory in your theme, plugin or somewhere in your WordPress site where your page types exists. You can add multiplied directories.


 * Register page types directory with Papi.

add_filter('papi/settings/directories', function () {
  return __DIR__ . '/includes/page-types';


Include plugins or properties build for Papi

action papi/include


 * Example of `papi/include` action that will include a custom property.

add_action('papi/include', function () {
  require_once 'class-papi-property-kvack.php';


With this action you can include plugins or properties build for Papi. Third party properties should use this action when they load there custom property in the plugin.




 * Example of `current_page` function.

echo current_page()->twitter_url;

// will be the same as
echo papi_field('twitter_url');

Get the current Papi page with all fields.


No parameters exists.



 * Example of `papi_field` function.

echo papi_field('twitter_url');


The post id will be added automatic if you are one a post, page or custom post type page.

When fetching values from another post this argument will be required.

You can also use the_papi_field to display it without echo


Parameter Default Required Description
$post_id null no   The post id will be added automatic if you are one a post, page or custom post type page. When fetching values from another post this argument will be required
$slug  yes  The property slug to fetch value from
$default null no When a default value is passed as argument it will use that value as return value and echo it if the property value is empty or don’t exists



 * Example output from `papi_fields` function.

  'Content' => array(


Papi fields will return a array with meta box title as keys and array of all Papi field slugs in that meta box.


No parameters exists.



 * Example of `papi_get_page` function.

echo papi_get_page()->twitter_url;

// with post id
echo papi_get_page(2)->twitter_url;


When given a post id it will fetch the Papi page for that post id instead.

The papi page function will do the same as current page function if no post id is used as a argument.


Parameter Default Required Description
$post_id null no   The post id will be added automatic if you are one a post, page or custom post type page. When fetching values from another post this argument will be required



 * Example of `papi_property` function.

// my-page-type.php
$this->box('My meta box', [
  papi_property('properties/my-image.php', [
    'slug' => 'my_meta_box_image'

// properties/my-image.php
return papi_property([
  'type'  => 'image',
  'title' => 'Image',
  'slug'  => 'custom_image_slug'


This argument is only used when you load a template file, the array will be used to override property options from the template file.

This function will be the same as $this->property method on a page type.

When using a shared property file or another file that the property are stored in you can used it as a template file.

This is great to use when you will share properties over many page types and it will be less code to write.


Parameter Default Required Description
$file_or_options yes   File path or a array containing property options
$values array() no  The values to override the template values with



 * Example of `papi_tab` function.

// my-page-type.php
$this->box('My meta box', [
  $this->tab('tabs/image-tab.php', [
    'title' => 'Background'

// tabs/image.php
return papi_tabs([
  'title' => 'Images',
  'slug'  => 'custom_image_slug'
], [
    'type'  => 'string',
    'title' => 'Name',
    'slug'  => 'name'


This argument is only used when you load a template file, the array will be used to override tab options from the template file.

This function will be the same as $this->tab method on a page type.

When using a shared tab file or another file that the tab are stored in you can used it as a template file.

This is great to use when you will share tabs over many page types and it will be less code to write.


Parameter Default Required Description
$file_or_options yes   Title, file path or a array containing tab options
$properties array() no  The values to override the template values with or properties



 * Example of `papi_template` function.

// my-page-type.php
$this->box('My meta box', [
    'type'     => 'dropdown',
    'title'    => 'Dropdown',
    'slug'     => 'my_dropdown',
    'settings' => papi_template('settings/dropdown.php')

// settings/dropdown.php
return [
  'items' => [
    'White' => '#ffffff',
    'Black' => '#000000'


papi_property function uses this function load template file. This function can be used to load template files that returns arrays. It can be handy when you will have to repeater or dropdown values in another file.


Parameter Default Required Description
$file_or_options yes   File path to template file
$properties array() no  The values to override the template values with



 * Example of `the_papi_field` function.


// with post id
the_papi_field(1, 'twitter_url')

// with default value
the_papi_field(1, 'twitter_url', '');


This function will echo the value of a property using the property slug.

You can also use papi_field to fetch the value into a variable.


Parameter Default Required Description
$post_id null no   The post id will be added automatic if you are one a post, page or custom post type page. When fetching values from another post this argument will be required
$slug  yes  The property slug to fetch value from
$default null no When a default value is passed as argument it will use that value as return value and echo it if the property value is empty or don’t exists



 * Example of the default options

  'capabilities' => array(),
  'context'      => 'normal',
  'mode'         => 'standard',
  'post_type'    => 'page',
  'priority'     => 'default',
  'sort_order'   => 1000,
  'title'        => ''

Documentation of the box method. box is a short name for metabox in Papi.


Key Default
capabilities array()
context ‘normal’
mode 'standard’
post_type 'page’  
priority 'default’
sort_order 1000

Numeric value, lowest value in the meta box will be at the top and the highest value at the bottom title | empty string | The title of the meta box. This can’t be empty, seamless mode will not show the title. When passing a string as the first argument for box method it will become array('title' => 'the title') automatic

Callable method

Since version 1.2.0 it’s possible to use callable method as a second argument in your box method that returns a array with properties or tabs.


 * Example of using the callable parameter.

public function register() {
  $this->box('Content', array($this, 'content_box'));

public function content_box() {
  return [
      'type'  => 'string',
      'title' => 'Name'
      'type'  => 'text',
      'title' => 'About'

Create your own property

It’s easy to create your own property with Papi. You can use our Yo generator

It’s important that the class follow the Papi class name.


// Bad
class PropertyStringx extends Papi_Property {}

class Property_Stringx extends Papi_Property {}

class Papi_Property_String_x extends Papi_Property {}

// Good
class Papi_Property_Stringx extends Papi_Property {}

Example bootstrap and property class:

The html method is the important one, with out that there aren’t going to be any property output in WordPress admin.

You can check how the properties are to figure out how to do your custom properties.


// bootstrap.php
add_action('papi/include', function () {
  require_once 'class-papi-property-stringx.php';

// class-papi-property-stringx.php

// Exit if accessed directly
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

 * Papi - Custom property string
 * @package Papi
 * @version 1.0.0

class Papi_Property_Stringx extends Papi_Property {

   * The default value.
   * @var string
   * @since 1.0.0

  public $default_value = '';

   * Generate the HTML for the property.
   * @since 1.0.0

  public function html() {
    $options = $this->get_options();
    $value   = $this->get_value();

      <input type="text" name="<?php echo $options->slug; ?>" value="<?php echo $value; ?>" />


Page type


 * Example of a page type with no properties.

class Video_Page_Type extends Papi_Page_Type {

   * The page type meta options.
   * @return array

  public function page_type () {
    return [
      'name'        => 'Video page',
      'description' => 'A page where you can embed videos',
      'template'    => 'pages/video-page.php'


The page_type() is a required method of the page type class. It should return an array containing the required keys.

Options Required Description
name yes The name of the page type
description no The description of the page type
labels no Since version 1.2.0 all post type can handle the labels object that exists on a post type. So this means that you can change “Add New Page” for every page type and have something like “Add New Startpage”. Just create a array with the labels keys and values on your page type meta array
post_type no Array of post types that the page type should be registered on. Default is page
sort_order no The sort order number of the page type
template no The template file to render
thumbnail no The thumbnail image that should apper on the add new page
 * Example of template structure.


When you using template key you can get a better structure of all pages type you are using and which template file it used.

When creating a new page you will get a new view before you get the edit view for your page where you should choose which page type to use. This will happen for all post types that uses page types.

Box method

This method is used to register all properties, tabs and remove meta boxes as described above.

Since version 1.2.0 the box method can has callable method as the second argument that returns a array with properties or tabs.

Read more about that under box section.



namespace Foo\Bar;

class Test_Page_Type extends \Papi_Page_Type {}

Since version 1.2.0 Papi has no problem to read page types that have a namespace.

Remove meta box


public function register() {

  // A single metabox
  $this->remove( 'comments' );

  // Multiple metaboxes
  $this->remove( array( 'comments', 'editor' ) );


It’s easy to remove metaboxes with the remove method. You can remove both post type support and meta boxes with remove.

Check out remove_post_type_support for right post type support or remove_meta_box for meta box slugs.



 * Example of the default options.

  'capabilities' => array(),
  'default'      => '',
  'description'  => '',
  'disabled'     => false,
  'lang'         => false,
  'raw'          => false,
  'required'     => false,
  'settings'     => array(),
  'sidebar'      => true,
  'slug'         => '',
  'sort_order'   => 100,
  'title'        => '',
  'type'         => ''

Papi does support 19 core properties (a field is a property in the page type) to start with and you can easy create your own using our Yeoman generator. The are several keys that all properties have.

Key Default Description
capabilities array() Can be a string with a role or capability or a array with many values
default empty string The default value that are presented in the property
description empty string The introduction text that will appear below the title text of the property. You could write your help text here. Since version 1.2.0 you can have “\n” to create new lines in the description
disabled false Disable the property, won’t show in WordPress admin
lang false When using this key you can specify which language will show the property
raw false This will render the property without a table, good to use when creating a custom property that uses other properties
required false By default all fields are non required in Papi but this can be changed with required option
sidebar true Boolean that shows the sidebar on each property. If false the sidebar won’t show
settings array() Array with custom settings for the property
sort_order 1000 Numeric value, lowest value in the meta box will be at the top and the highest value at the bottom
slug empty string The slug of property. If empty or not used the title will be generated to slug value
title empty string The title of the property. Can be empty for blank title
type empty string The property type (lower case is preferred to use)

Note: be sure to have different slug for each properties on a page type, the same slug will not work great and you will lose data if you are using same slug for multiple properties.


type bool


 * Example of bool.

  'title'    => 'True or false?',
  'slug'     => 'my_true_or_false_slug',
  'type'     => 'bool'

 * Example output.

boolean true


The property output a single checkbox, when clicked the output value will be true otherwise false.


No settings exists.


type checkbox


 * Example of checkbox.

  'title'    => 'Categories',
  'slug'     => 'my_categories_slug',
  'type'     => 'checkbox',
  'settings' => [
    'items' => [
      'White' => '#ffffff',
      'Black' => '#000000'

 * Example output.

  [0] => '#ffffff'


With this property you can add multiple checkboxes. The key is the value that the user will se in the WordPress admin and the value is the value saved in the database.


Key Default Description
items array() Array with checkboxes, value or key/value
selected array() The seleceted key or array of keys


type color


 * Example of color.

  'title'    => 'Color',
  'slug'     => 'my_color_slug',
  'type'     => 'color'

 * Example output.

string '#ffffff'


The property output the WordPress color picker.


Key Default Description
show_input true Show the text input
palettes array() Array with hex colors


type datetime


 * Example of datetime.

  'title'    => 'Datetime',
  'slug'     => 'my_datetime_slug',
  'type'     => 'datetime'

 * Example output.

string '2014-11-21'


The date property has a picker build in using Pikaday with time support.


Key Default Description
format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Show the text input
show_seconds false Array with hex colors
show_time true Array with hex colors
use_24_hours false Array with hex colors


type divider


 * Example of divider.

  'title'       => 'Divider',
  'type'        => 'divider',
  'description' => 'Non volutpat ultricies bibendum odio luctus.'

 * Example output.

string '#ffffff'


This property don’t output any form or something like that. It outputs a h3 tag with the title inside and the description below.


No settings exists.

type dropdown


 * Example of select.

  'title'    => 'Dropdown',
  'slug'     => 'my_dropdown_slug',
  'type'     => 'dropdown',
  'settings' => [
    'items' => [
      'White' => '#ffffff',
      'Black' => '#000000'

 * Example output.

string '#ffffff'


With this property you can add a dropdown. The key is the value that the user will se in the WordPress admin and the value is the value saved in the database.


Key Default Description
items array() (no limit) Array with options, value or key/value
selected empty string The select item that will be selected from start. The value should match a key of your items


type editor since 1.2.0


 * Example of Property Editor.

  'title' => 'Editor',
  'slug'  => 'my_editor_slug',
  'type'  => 'editor'

 * Example output.

// String of text.


The WordPress editor.


No settings exists.

type gallery since 1.2.0


 * Example of gallery.

  'title' => 'Gallery',
  'slug'  => 'my_gallery_slug',
  'type'  => 'gallery'

 * Example output.

  stdClass Object
      [width] => 800
      [height] => 600
      [file] => '2014/09/cube.jpg'
      [sizes] => Array
          [thumbnail] => Array
            [file] => 'cube-150x150.jpg'
            [width] => 150
            [height] => 150
            [mime-type] => 'image/jpeg'

          [medium] => Array
            [file] => 'cube-300x225.jpg'
            [width] => 300
            [height] => 225
            [mime-type] => 'image/jpeg'


      [image_meta] => Array
          [aperture] => 0
          [credit] =>
          [camera] =>
          [caption] =>
          [created_timestamp] => 0
          [copyright] =>
          [focal_length] => 0
          [iso] => 0
          [shutter_speed] => 0
          [title] =>
          [orientation] => 1
      [alt] => 'Alt text'
      [caption] => 'Caption text'
      [description] => 'Description text'
      [id] => 6
      [is_image] => 1
      [title] => 'Title text'
      [url] => ''


With this property you can add a multiple image from the WordPress media library.


No settings exists.


type html


 * Example of html.

  'title'    => 'Information',
  'type'     => 'html',
  'settings' => [
    'html' => '<p>Hello, world</p>'

 * Example output.

string '#ffffff'


The property output custom html row on the page type in WordPress admin.


Key Default Description
html empty string String with html or a callable function or method.


type image


 * Example of image.

  'title' => 'Image',
  'slug'  => 'my_image_slug',
  'type'  => 'image'

 * Example output.

stdClass Object
      [width] => 800
      [height] => 600
      [file] => '2014/09/cube.jpg'
      [sizes] => Array
          [thumbnail] => Array
            [file] => 'cube-150x150.jpg'
            [width] => 150
            [height] => 150
            [mime-type] => 'image/jpeg'

          [medium] => Array
            [file] => 'cube-300x225.jpg'
            [width] => 300
            [height] => 225
            [mime-type] => 'image/jpeg'


      [image_meta] => Array
          [aperture] => 0
          [credit] =>
          [camera] =>
          [caption] =>
          [created_timestamp] => 0
          [copyright] =>
          [focal_length] => 0
          [iso] => 0
          [shutter_speed] => 0
          [title] =>
          [orientation] => 1
      [alt] => 'Alt text'
      [caption] => 'Caption text'
      [description] => 'Description text'
      [id] => 6
      [is_image] => 1
      [title] => 'Title text'
      [url] => ''

Image example


With this property you can add a image from the WordPress media library. If the gallery setting is set to true the output will be a array with objects instead of just one object.


Key Default Description
html empty string String with html or a callable function or method.


type number


 * Example of number.

  'title' => 'Number',
  'slug'  => 'my_number_slug',
  'type'  => 'number'

 * Example output.

int 10


The number property is the HTML5 number input field. No custom validation exists only the browsers validation will kick in. The value is saved as a string and the output is a string.


No settings exists.


type post


 * Example of post.

  'title'    => 'Post',
  'slug'     => 'my_post_slug',
  'type'     => 'post'

 * Example output.

WP_Post Object
  [ID] => 203
  [post_author] => 1
  [post_date] => 2014-11-18 22:07:38
  [post_date_gmt] => 2014-11-18 22:07:38
  [post_content] =>
  [post_title] => 'The post title'
  [post_excerpt] =>
  [post_status] => publish
  [comment_status] => closed
  [ping_status] => closed
  [post_password] =>
  [post_name] => 'the_post_title'
  [to_ping] =>
  [pinged] =>
  [post_modified] => 2014-11-18 22:09:05
  [post_modified_gmt] => 2014-11-18 22:09:05
  [post_content_filtered] =>
  [post_parent] => 0
  [guid] => ''
  [menu_order] => 0
  [post_type] => 'page'
  [post_mime_type] =>
  [comment_count] => 0
  [filter] => 'raw'


With this property you can add reference to another post. It can’t handle multiple references like relationship

Since version 1.2.0 the post property by default include a blank row in the dropdown, this can be disabled by include_blank


Key Default Description
blank_text empty string Change the blank text to something else
include_blank true Include the blank row or not
post_type ‘post’ The post type that the property will load posts from. Can only be one post type
query array() Append a WP_Query on all post types. Gist reference over WP_Query. Note that post_type in query will always be removed
text 'Select Post’ The text above the dropdown. If this text is a empty string the p tag will be hidden

Radio buttons

type radio


 * Example of radio buttons.

  'title'    => 'Colors',
  'slug'     => 'my_radio_slug',
  'type'     => 'radio',
  'settings' => [
      'items' => [
        'White' => '#ffffff',
        'Black' => '#000000'

 * Example output.

string '#ffffff'


With this property you can create a list of radio buttons. The key is the value that the user will se in the WordPress admin and the value is the value saved in the database.


Key Default Description
items array() Array with radio buttons, value or key/value
selected empty string The radio button that will be selected from start. The value should match a key of your items


type reference

since 1.2.0


 * Example of reference.

  'title'    => 'References',
  'type'     => 'reference',
  'settings' => [
    'slug'      => 'top_module',
    'page_type' => 'start-page-type'

 * Example output:
 * The reference property does not save any values.


When using Post or Relationship property to load modules or something like that. You may what to check which pages are loading the module. This is where the reference property comes in hand, it will show which pages that has a reference to the module.

Reference example


Key Default Description
slug array() String or array of slugs to look for references
page_type empty string String or array of page types (the file name of the page type) to check


type relationship


 * Example of relationship.

  'title'    => 'Relationship',
  'slug'     => 'my_relationship_slug',
  'type'     => 'relationship',
  'settings' => [
    'choose_max' => 3,
    'post_type'  => ['post', 'pages', 'my-custom-post-type']

 * Example output:

  [0] => WP_Post Object
    [ID] => 203
    [post_author] => 1
    [post_date] => 2014-11-18 22:07:38
    [post_date_gmt] => 2014-11-18 22:07:38
    [post_content] =>
    [post_title] => 'The post title'
    [post_excerpt] =>
    [post_status] => 'publish'
    [comment_status] => 'closed'
    [ping_status] => 'closed'
    [post_password] =>
    [post_name] => 'the_post_title'
    [to_ping] =>
    [pinged] =>
    [post_modified] => 2014-11-18 22:09:05
    [post_modified_gmt] => 2014-11-18 22:09:05
    [post_content_filtered] =>
    [post_parent] => 0
    [guid] => ''
    [menu_order] => 0
    [post_type] => 'page'
    [post_mime_type] =>
    [comment_count] => 0
    [filter] => 'raw'


With this property you can link posts, pages or custom post types together. With the post_type setting you can diced witch post types to use, default is page.

Relationship example


Key Default Description
choose_max -1 (no limit) Prevent how many post references that can be added
post_type 'page’ Change which post types it loads post objects from
query array() Append a WP_Query on all post types. Gist reference over WP_Query. Note that post_type in query will always be removed
show_sort_by true Show the sort by dropdown or not.



 * Example of `papi/property/relationship/sort_options` filter.

add_filter('papi/property/relationship/sort_options', function ($not_allowed) {
  return array_merge($not_allowed, [
    'Name (alphabetically)' => function ($a, $b) {
      return strcmp(strtolower($a->post_title), strtolower($b->post_title));
Filter Description
papi/property/relationship/sort_options Add more sort options to property relationship. The array key is the name and the value that is saved as the sort order identification


type repeater


 * Example of repeater.

  'title'    => 'Repeater',
  'slug'     => 'my_repeater_slug',
  'type'     => 'Repeater',
  'settings' => [
    'items' => [
        'type'  => 'string',
        'title' => 'Title',
        'slug'  => 'my_string_slug'
        'type'     => 'dropdown',
        'title'    => 'Color',
        'slug'     => 'my_dropdown_slug',
        'settings' => [
          'items' => [
            'White' => '#ffffff',
            'Black' => '#000000'

 * Example output:

  [0] => Array
    [my_string_slug] => 'Test 1'
    [my_dropdown_slug] => '#ffffff'

  [1] => Array
    [my_string_slug] => 'Test 2'
    [my_dropdown_slug] => '#000000'


The repeater property can create a repeater of sub fields which can be repeated again and again.

Repeater example


Key Default Description
items array() The array of properties, the same key/values as the $this->property method or papi_property function has. You can’t use property repeater inside a repeater.



 * Example of `papi/property/repeater/exclude` filter.

add_filter('papi/property/repeater/exclude', function ($exclude) {
  return array_merge($exclude, [
Filter Description
papi/property/repeater/exclude Prevent properties from render and working in repeater


type string


 * Example of string.

  'title' => 'Name',
  'slug'  => 'my_name_slug',
  'type'  => 'string'

 * Example output.

string 'Fredrik'


The string property is just a text input field. The value is saved as a string and the output is a string.


No settings exists.


type text


 * Example of text.

  'title' => 'Text',
  'slug'  => 'my_text_slug',
  'type'  => 'text'

 * Example output.

string 'Fredrik'


This property will output the textarea tag and the output will be a string with all text from the textarea.


No settings exists.


type url


 * Example of url.

  'title'    => 'Url with button',
  'slug'     => 'my_url_slug',
  'type'     => 'url',
  'settings' => [
    'mediauploader' => true

 * Example output.

string ''


This property will output the textarea tag and the output will be a string with all text from the textarea.

Url example


Key Default Description
mediauploader false When this is true a button will show next to the input field where you can open the WordPress media library

Property filters

Format Value

filter papi/format_value/{$property_type}


 * Example of `papi/format_value/{$property_type}` filter.

add_filter('papi/format_value/string', function ($value, $slug, $post_id) {
  // do some magic with the value and return it.
  return $value;
}, 10, 3);


Format the value of the property before it’s returned to the theme.

Load Value

filter papi/load_value/{$property_type}


 * Example of `papi/load_value/{$property_type}` filter.

add_filter('papi/load_value/string', function ($value, $slug, $post_id) {
  // do some magic with the value and return it.
  return $value;
}, 10, 3);


This filter is applied after the value is loaded in the database.

Update Value

filter papi/update_value/{$property_type}


 * Example of `papi/update_value/{$property_type}` filter.

add_filter('papi/update_value/string', function ($value, $slug, $post_id) {
  // do some magic with the value and return it.
  return $value;
}, 10, 3);


This filter is applied before the value is saved in the database.

Setting filters

Change default sort order

filter papi/settings/sort_order


 * Example of `papi/settings/sort_order` filter.

add_filter('papi/settings/sort_order', function () {
  return 1;


Change the default sort order for page types, meta boxes, tabs and properties.

Default sort order is 1000

Change standard page description for post type

filter papi/settings/standard_page_description_{$post_type}

since 1.2.0


 * Example of `papi/settings/standard_page_description_{$post_type}` filter.

add_filter('papi/settings/standard_page_description_post', function ($page_type) {
  return __('The standard blog post', 'my_theme');


This filter is used to change the standard page description for a post type.

Default value is the translation of Just the normal WordPress page

Change standard page thumbnail for post type

filter papi/settings/standard_page_thumbnail_{$post_type}

since 1.2.0


 * Example of `papi/settings/standard_page_thumbnail_{$post_type}` filter.

add_filter('papi/settings/standard_page_thumbnail_post', function () {
  return '/path/to/thumbnail.png';


This filter is used to change the standard page thumbnail for a post type.

Default value is the translation of empty string

Load page type from post id query string

filter papi/settings/page_type_from_post_qs

since 1.2.0


 * Example of `papi/settings/page_type_from_post_qs` filter.

add_filter('papi/settings/page_type_from_post_qs', function () {
  return 'parent_post';


This filter is used to load a page type from a query string that have another post id.

When using plugins as Polylang the query string from_post is used to tell which post the current post was created from.

Papi will not now which page type to load then and it should be the same as the from_post. So that’s when this filter will be useful.

This filter is not post type specific and will work on every post type.

Default value is from_post.

Only page type for post type

filter papi/settings/only_page_type_{$post_type}

since 1.2.0


 * Example of `papi/settings/only_page_type_{$post_type}` filter.

add_filter('papi/settings/only_page_type_post', function () {
  return 'post-page-type';


This filter is used to register all page type directories that Papi should look for page types in.

You can return a string or a array of strings.

Page type directories

filter papi/settings/directories

since 1.2.0


 * Example of `papi/settings/directories` filter.

add_filter('papi/settings/directories', function () {
  return false;


This filter is used to register all page type directories that Papi should look for page types in.

You can return a string or a array of strings.

Default value is empty array.

Show page type on add new page type view

filter papi/settings/show_page_type_{$post_type}

since 1.2.0


 * Example of `papi/settings/show_page_type_{$post_type}` filter.

add_filter('papi/settings/show_page_type_post', function ($page_type) {
  if ($page_type === 'start-page-type') {
      return false;

  return true;


This filter is used to filter which page types that can be listed on the add new page type view.

The function will send in the file name of post types as a argument.

Returning false on a page type will hide the page type on the add new page type view.

Default value for every page type is true

Show standard page type for post type

filter papi/settings/standard_page_type_{$post_type}

since 1.2.0


 * Example of `papi/settings/standard_page_type_{$post_type}` filter.

add_filter('papi/settings/directories', function () {
  return __DIR__ . '/page-types';


This filter allows you to hide the standard page on the “add new page type” view.

Default value for every post type is true
